Monday, July 6, 2009

When was the last time you enjoyed the luxury of a long hot soak in the bath?

For many people taking a bath is one of life’s little pleasures. Having time out to take a bath in the evening can give you a much needed opportunity to relax and unwind from the stresses of the day.

As well as improving your state of mind, a warm bath is generally considered to have many health benefits too. Relaxing aching muscles, taking the weight off sore joints, soothing skin complaints, improving circulation and easing pain associated with conditions such as arthritis are just a few of the reported physical advantages.

However, for many people the prospect of taking a bath conjures up a vastly different set of emotions. If you have mobility difficulties due to physical disability the thought of taking a bath may fill you with dread. The high step in, the challenge of getting out and the wet slippery surfaces can all make bathing a dangerous and undignified experience. Many people require assistance from a carer, and plenty of others abandon baths altogether resorting to only taking showers.

If this scenario is similar to your experience of bathing it’s time you looked for a suitable solution.

Mangar International is a specialist in conquering people’s bathing difficulties through simple, affordable solutions. They have two popular bath lifts to choose from to alleviate the strain of getting into and out of the bath; the Archimedes and the Bathing Cushion.

With a fixed-position backrest the Archimedes will lower and raise you into and out of the bath in a fully supported seated position. It’s a great one-size-fits-all solution suitable for virtually every physical condition and bathroom design.

For those who have reasonable upper body stability the Bathing Cushion will lower and raise you into and out of the bath, with the added luxury of being able to lie back and stretch right out at the bottom of the bath. Fully inflatable, the Bathing Cushion is deflated slowly at the touch of a button to lower you down into the bath, where you can then choose to leave some air in the back rest as a comfortable support, or release all the air for a completely natural bath.

Both options are battery powered and simple to use. They require no fixtures, fittings or alterations to your bathroom and can be set up in seconds. They are completely portable for those who like to travel, and are easy to remove from the bath leaving it clear for use by a partner or family member.

If you want to rediscover the simple pleasure of a hot bath arrange a free demonstration from Mangar International by calling freephone 0800 280 0485 or visit

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